beansadmin is a convenient utility for doing common administrative tasks on Beans databases and login IDs. It is not designed to win any user interface awards, and many things it does can equally be done by manually logging in to the database server and running a couple of SQL commands.
beansadmin initially prompts for the database server's address, and the server's administrative userid and password. The administrative userid is usually "postgres", and the default server address is "localhost" with the default server database of "template1".
The following options are available after logging in:
Runs CREATE DATABASE to create a new server database, followed by creating the necessary Beans administrative tables.
Opens an existing database for the purpose of further administrative tasks. See below for more information.
Destroys an existing Beans database and all files that it contains.
Runs CREATE USER to create a new server login id. The login id must be registered as a Beans user, after it is created. Alternatively, an existing server login id can be registered.
Runs DROP USER to remove a server login id.
Choosing "Open an existing Beans database" presents the following options for the selected database:
Adds the login id to the Beans database. Prompts for an existing server login id, and an access level: read-only, read/write, or read/write/create.
NOTE: | This access setting is used by the Beans application only. Any PostgreSQL login id that has access to the Beans database can at least connect to the database. However, database tables are created without public access permissions, however anyone using the PostgreSQL login id can log in via other means, such as psql, and modify tables created by this login id even if it's access is set as read-only. The read-only access setting limits the Beans application to only viewing, but not modifying, the existing files. The read/write access setting permits changes to existing files. The read/write/create access setting also allows the login ID to create new files. |
Removes the login id from the Beans database. The Beans application will no longer be able to open files in this database.
NOTE: | This a Beans application setting only. See the previous note concerning database server access and permissions. |